See below for article groupings from Light Pollution News Podcast episodes. Listen every month to stay up to date on the current research and news as how artificial light at night impacts our environment.
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From Fly to the Right.
- Reducing light pollution, this city ‘went dark’ to save birds — and it worked, Good Good Good.
- Exposure to constant artificial light alters honey bee sleep rhythms and disrupts sleep, Scientific Reports.
- Urban sensory conditions alter rival interactions and mate choice in urban and forest túngara frogs, Behavior Ecology.
- Dimly illuminated nights alter behavior and negatively affect fat metabolism in adult male zebra finches, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.
- The impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) spectral composition on key behavioral traits of a sandy beach isopod, Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- Michigan Deer Hunter Captures Jaw-Dropping Nighttime Photo, Tony LaBrie, WCRZ.
- Human recreation influences activity of a large carnivore in an urban landscape, Biological Conservation.
- Cool’ white car headlights more likely to dazzle moths, Science Daily.
- ‘Lights Out’ initiative appears to be saving birds from crashing into Philly buildings, Sophia Schmidt, WHYY.
From Patterns of Activity.
- Bird feeder cam captures hilarious pictures of animals enjoying midnight feast, Sara Odeen-Isbister, Metro.
- It’s Almost Halloween. That Means It’s Time for a Bat Beauty Contest, KQED Arts, KQED.
- Bureau of Land Management, Oct 28, 2024, Facebook.
- Does wildlife-vehicle collision frequency increase on full moon nights? A case-crossover analysis, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
- The moon’s influence on the activity of tropical forest mammals, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
- Urban house finches are more resistant to the effects of artificial light at night, Science of the Total Environment.
- Blue and white light pollution is disastrous for Cory’s shearwater fledglings, Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Artificial Light at Night Reduces the Surface Activity of Earthworms, Increases the Growth of a Cover Crop and Reduces Water Leaching, Land.
- Shedding light with harmonic radar: Unveiling the hidden impacts of streetlights on moth flight behavior, PNAS.
- Light pollution disturbs moths—even in the dark, study shows, Robert Emmerich, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,
Not Included in Show:
- Shining a Light on Nighttime Pollinators, Alexis Olechowski, Metro Parks
- From Prolonging Wallaby Pregnancies to Disorienting Hatchling Turtles, 11 Ways Artificial Lights Affect Animals, Brian Handwerk, Smithsonian Magazine.
From Dopamine Rush!
- Service proposes to list the Bethany Beach firefly as threatened, Jalyn Williams, US Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Taking a Stand for Firefly Species Facing Extinction, Candace Fallon, Xerces Society.
- Evaluating firefly extinction risk: Initial red list assessments for North America, PLOS ONE.
- This Green-Flashing Firefly Could Become the First Ever Listed as Endangered in the U.S., Alexa Robles-Gil, Smithsonian Magazine.
- Petition for the Emergency Listing of the Bethany Beach Firefly (Photuris bethaniensis), Xerces Society.
- Dark Skies Initiative up for discussion again in Environmental Subcommittee meeting, Zakiya Jennings, CoastTV.
- Behavioural and transgenerational effects of artificial light at night (ALAN) of varying spectral compositions in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Science of the Total Environment.
- Contrasting effects of light and noise pollution interact with natural vegetation remnants: Human-related indicators of the habitat suitability for ungulates in the urban landscape, Ecological Indicators.
- Night melatonin levels affect cognition in diurnal animals: Molecular insights from a corvid exposed to an illuminated night environment, Environmental Pollution.
- The short-term effects of planktivorous fish foraging in the presence of artificial light at night on lake zooplankton, Journal of Plankton Research.
- Foxfire Brings Magical Light to the Dark Forest, Leigh Ann Henion, Atlas Obscura.
Not Included in Show:
- Applied Studies of Raptor Sensory Ecology are Rare, Bio One.
- Timed restricted feeding cycles drive daily rhythms in female rats maintained in constant light but only partially restore the estrous cycle, Frontiers in Nutrition.
- Time-Restricted Feeding Could Not Reduce Rainbow Trout Lipid Deposition Induced by Artificial Night Light, MDPI.
- Continuous lighting can improve yield and reduce energy costs while increasing or maintaining nutritional contents of microgreens, Frontiers.
- “Lights Out Louisiana” encourages residents, businesses, and cities to turn off lights between 11 P.M. and 6 A.M., Sean Richardson, Louisiana Radio Network.
- Light is the Next Ocean Pollutant of Concern, Maritime-Executive.
- Air quality, light pollution impacts bird migration and human health, Shelby Lofton, KSL5.
- Shedding light on blue-green photosynthesis: A wavelength-dependent mathematical model of photosynthesis in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Tobias Pfennig, Elena Kullmann, Tomáš Zavřel, Andreas Nakielski, Oliver Ebenhöh, Jan Červený, Gábor Bernát, Anna Barbara Matuszyńska,
From See the Stars, Share the Stars!
- The Arch will go dark in September for bird migration, Stacy lynn, Spectrum News.
- Rehabilitation outcomes of bird-building collision victims in the Northeastern United States, PLOS ONE.
- More Than 4,000 Moth Species Flit Across Texas. One Scientist Photographed 550 in His Yard, Robyn Ross, Texas Monthly.
- Ultraviolet-induced photoluminescent bristles on the feet of the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis), Mammalian Biology.
- Effects of artificial night lighting on a web-building spider species in urban green spaces, Acta Oecologica.
- The effects of artificial light at night on spider brains, Biology Letters.
- The impact of artificial light pollution at night on the life history parameters of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis with different food experiences, Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- Anthropogenic light impacts life-history traits and induces a trade-off in female field crickets Get access Arrow, Behavoral Ecology.
- In Iceland, humans throwing baby puffins is a good thing, Alisha McDarris, Popular Science
Not Included in Show:
- Pollution hotspots ‘threaten health and habitat’, Brendan Montague,
- Exploring the Wilderness: Day vs. Night, Jimmy Bell,
- Deep-sea cabled video-observatory provides insights into the behavior at depth of sub-adult male northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, Héloïse Frouin-Mouy, Rodney Rountree, Francis Juanes, Jacopo Aguzzi, Fabio C. De Leo,
- Nature Notes: Light pollution impacts on insects, Clair Gooding, Delta Optimist
- How urban lights disrupt Australia’s unique wildlife and food webs at night, Peter de Kruijff, ABC News
- Urban wildlife comes alive as Dallas-Fort Worth goes to sleep, Jordan Chapman, Dallas Morning News
- What Is A “Dark Sky Island”?, Holly Large, IFL Science
- Efficacy of Light and Odor Barriers in Controlling Insect Pest Evasion by Modulating Light and Gas Environments, Journal of Environmental and Science International
- Influence of Light exposure during late incubation, Early Feeding, and Litter Access Post-hatch on the Stress Response and Body Weight Gain in Laying hen chicks, Journal of Applied Poultry Research
- Light sensitivity of the circadian system in the social Highveld mole-rat Cryptomys hottentotus pretoriae, Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Review: The influence of light on pig welfare, Animal
- Designing a solar powered light trap to control pest moths in Hulumale’ urban farming field , THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ICEST 2023)
- Time me by the moon: The evolution and function of lunar timing systems, EMBO Reports
From What is Safe?:
- Streetlights are influencing nature—from how leaves grow to how insects eat, Olivia Ferrari, National Geographic.
- Artificial Light at Night Increases Growth and Impairs Reproductive Success in Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in a Duration Dose-Dependent Manner, Birds.
- Artificial light at night on nesting beaches of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the eastern Mediterranean and its possible effect on populations, Turkish Journal of Zoology.
- Effects of artificial light on foraging behavior of the Pacific Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis), Journal of Mammalogy.
From Totality of Impact!:
- Podcast: How to Catch Giant Trout at Night, Joe Cermele, Outdoor Life.
From A Right to Night?:
- Bring Back the Light: The mission to save the fireflies in Bali, Obamate Briggs, NewScientist.
- Why fireflies are only spotted in summer and where lightning bugs live the rest of the year, Aliza Chasan, CBS News.
- Bring Back the Light.
- Artificial light on coastlines lures small fish to their doom, coral reef study finds, Sophie Kevany, The Guardian.
- Artificial light is a deadly siren song for young fish, Society for Experimental Biology,
- Impact of urban pollution on freshwater biofilms: Oxidative stress, photosynthesis and lipid responses, Journal of Hazardous Materials.
- Polarised Moonlight Guides Nocturnal Bull Ants Home, eLife.
From To a Better 2045:
- Scientists Say Light Pollution Could Interfere with Coral Spawning, TaiwanPlus News.
- Unexpected bat community changes along an urban–rural gradient in the Berlin–Brandenburg metropolitan area, Scientific Reports.
- Diurnal predators in dim light: the ability of mantids to prey for supper, Environmental Entomology.
- Wavelength-specific negatively phototactic responses of the burrowing mayfly larvae Ephoron virgo, Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Reducing the fatal attraction of nocturnal insects using tailored and shielded road lights, Communications Biology.
- How artificial lights confuse migrating birds, and how going ‘Lights Out’ can help them, Amy Feiereisel, North Country Public Radio.
From Crap Lighting:
- Indy zoo animals created a symphony of sounds during the eclipse — until totality hit, Karl Schneider, IndyStar.
- Texas Zoo Researchers Record ‘Unusual’ Animal Behaviour During Solar Eclipse, News18.
- Quebec zoo examined animal behaviour during last week’s total solar eclipse, Sidhartha Banerjee, The Globe and Mail.
- Why some animals become agitated during solar eclipse, Basel Hindeleh, ABC News.
- Fading lights: Comprehensive study unveils multiple threats to North America’s firefly populations, Jordan Strickler,
- Artificial Light at Night Reduces Flashing in Photinus and Photuris Fireflies During Courtship and Predation, Journal of Insect Behavior.
- The effect of ALAN on the ecobiological attributes of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae): A study from a tropical habitat in India, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.
- Effects of Artificial Light at Night on Photosynthesis and Respiration of Two Urban Vascular Plants, Forests.
- Field comparison of broad-spectrum white LED-baited traps with narrow-spectrum green LED-baited traps in the capture of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), Parasitology Research.
- Effect of light and noise pollution on oxidative stress and proximate composition in Dreissena polymorpha, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology.
- Artificial light at night bans Chaoborus from vital epilimnetic waters, Scientific Reports.
- Light pollution affects activity differentially across breeding stages in an urban exploiter: an experiment in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), Environmental Pollution.
- Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
- UNM scientists find blue light makes buildings more deadly to migrating birds, Steve Carr, University of New Mexico.
- Global study finds there really are more insects out after dark, Mark Wong and Raphael Didham,
From Radio Aero Ecology:
- The Impact of Artificial Lights on Insects | International Dark Sky Week with Dr Avalon Owens, DarkSky International.
- Light pollution is a driver of insect declines, Biological Conservation.
- City moths may have evolved smaller wings due to light pollution, James Dinnean, NewScientist.
- Artificial light at night (ALAN) pollution alters bat lunar chronobiology: insights from broad-scale long-term acoustic monitoring, Ecological Processes.
- In the Spotlight: Bat Activity Shifts in Response to Intense Lighting of a Large Railway Construction Site, Sustainability.
- Light and Light Signals Regulate Growth and Development in Woody Plants, Forestry.
- We Need Bird-Safe Buildings. The Movement is Growing., Connie Sanchez, Audubon.
- Revisiting 2017, Part 1: What Did Birds Do During a Total Eclipse? Observations from eBird and Radar on August 21, 2017, Benjamin Van Doren, Birdcast.
- Revisiting 2017, Part 2: What Did Birds & Insects Do During the 2017 Solar Eclipse?, Cecilia Nilsson, Birdcast.
From Sonification:
- Effects of artificial light and latitude on the dawn foraging activity of Great Tits (Parus major) during winter in northern Europe, Ornis Norvegica.
- Light pooling, Daire Carroll & Jessica Harvey-Carroll, Oceanographic.
- Ocean LED.
- Foraging at night under artificial light: impacts on senescence and lifetime reproductive success for a diurnal insect, Animal Behavior.
- Blue Light Attracts More Spodoptera frugiperda Moths and Promotes Their Flight Speed, Insects.
- Artificial light changes visual perception by pollinators in a hawkmoth-plant interaction system, Urban Ecosystems.
- Wild mice in an urbanized world: Effects of light at night under natural and laboratory conditions in the single-striped grass mouse (Lemniscomys rosalia), Chronobiology International.
- The effect of artificial light at night on a nocturnal primate, Folia Primatologica.
From Ar Hyd Y Nos:
- Why flying insects gather at artificial light, Nature.
- Artificial light at night reduces earthworm activity but increases growth of invasive ragweed, BMC Ecology and Evolution.
- Artificial light at night affects the timing of roosting by Chimney Swifts, International Journal of Avian Science.
- Something weird is happening to these Alpine goats. Scientists say it’s an ominous sign., Benji Jones, Vox.
- Light exposure from LEDs is changing the composition of seaweed | ABC News, ABC.
From A Space for Celebration:
- It’s autumn everywhere except under this streetlight, Be Smart.
- When darkness disappears, Nadja Neumann, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries.
- Artificial night-time lighting and nutrient enrichment synergistically favour the growth of alien ornamental plant species over co-occurring native plants, Journal of Ecology.
- The Growth Response and Digestive Enzyme Activity of Juvenile African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Exposed to Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) Spectral, Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences.
- Artificial light at night affects fish passage rates in two small-sized Cypriniformes fish, Ecology of Freshwater.
- Artificial light at night impacts night-time activity but not day-time behaviour in a diurnal coral reef fish, Basic and Applied Ecology.
- Adult Chironomid (Chironomidae: Diptera) Positive Phototactic Behaviour—A Cue for Adult Population Management and Impact on Insect Biodiversity at Lake Trasimeno, Central Italy, Environments.
- Artificial light at night is a top predictor of bird migration stopover density, Nature Communications.
From Walking in a Freakily Large Planetarium:
- Mitigation measures for environmental protection, European Union.
- Far-reaching displacement effects of artificial light at night in a North American bat community, Global Ecology and Conservation.
- Artificial light affects foraging behavior of a synanthropic bat, Integrative Zoology.
- Artificial light at night alters predation on colour-polymorphic camouflaged prey, Basic and Applied Ecology.
- Bats as indicators of ecological resilience in a megacity, Urban Ecologies.
- Shining a light on duckweed: exploring the effects of artificial light at night (ALAN) on growth and pigmentation, Plant Biology.
- Evaluating the effects of moonlight on the vertical flight profiles of three western palaearctic swifts, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
From VIP Session Under the Bridge:
- Artificial light at night: a global disruptor of the night-time environment, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Does artificial light at night alter moth community composition?, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Artificial light at night decreases plant diversity and performance in experimental grassland communities, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Artificial light at night (ALAN) causes shifts in soil communities and functions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Long-term exposure to experimental light affects the ground-dwelling invertebrate community, independent of light spectra, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Belfast’s famous Starling murmuration could be back after light pollution reduced, Shauna Corr, BelfastLive.
- The influence of light on elasmobranch behavior and physiology: a review, Frontiers in Marine Science.
- Short-term night lighting disrupts lipid and glucose metabolism in Zebra Finches: Implication for urban stopover birds, Avian Research.
- Comparative transcriptome analysis of eyes reveals the adaptive mechanism of mantis shrimp (oratosquilla oratoria) induced by a dark environment, Genetica.
- Effects of light pollution on Bluegill foraging behavior, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
From Asphalt Dreams:
- A Casino on the River Is No Better Than on the Lake, Some Chicago Environmentalists Say, Patty Wetli, WTTW.
- New York’s plan to save birds from crashing into buildings: lights out, Aliya Uteuova, the Guardian.
- Phenotypic signatures of urbanization? Resident, but not migratory, songbird eye size varies with urban-associated light pollution levels, Global Change Biology.
- Researchers want to see through the eyes of baby turtles, Benjamin Payne, NPR.
- Light pollution threatens coastal marine systems, ScienceMag.
- Daytime fishers, nighttime bobcats – wildlife changes when humans spread into the woods, David Brooks, Concord Monitor.
- The colour temperature and placement of LED lighting near rivers can reduce attraction of flying adult caddisflies, Freshwater Biology.
- Species-specific responses of mammal activity to exurbanization in New Hampshire, USA, Journal of Urban Ecology.
- How light pollution impacts the world around us | Witness Documentary, Al Jazeera.
From The Perma-Noon Super Highway:
- Here’s How you Go Birding in the Middle of the Night, Jacob Job, Scientific American.
- They Tap Into the Magical, Hidden Pulse of the Planet, but What is the Nighttime Bird Surveillance Network?, Jacob Job, Scientific American.
- Arch to dim lights for birds in September, Daniel Newman, STL Today.
- Lights Out, Texas! is helping keep the stars at night big and bright, Cole Baerlocher, Agrilife.
- For Two Backyard Bird Species, More Light Pollution Is Linked to Lower Survival, Laura Oleniacz, NC State.
- Detection rates of long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) decline in the presence of artificial light, New Zealand Journal of Zoology.
- Light Pollution Is Causing Oyster Insomnia, Hannah Seo, Hakai Magazine.
- Light pollution alters the skeletal morphology of coral juveniles and impairs their light capture capacity, Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- Artificial light at night disrupts male dominance relationships and reproductive success in a model fish species, Science of the Total Environment.
- Influence of night-time light pollution on the photosynthesis and physiological characteristics of the urban plants Euonymus japonicus and Rosa hybrida, Ecological Processes.
From Sensory Depravation:
- Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) causes size-dependent effects on intertidal fish decision-making, Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- The effects of artificial light at night on the foraging activity of Japanese eels: implications of recreational fishing data, Environmental Biology of Fishes.
- Smaller Australian raptors have greater urban tolerance, Scientific Reports.
- From colony to fallout: Artificial lights pose risk to seabird fledglings far from their natal colonies, Conservation Science and Practice.
- Skyglow relieves a crepuscular bird from visual constraints on being active, Science of the Total Environment.
- Artificial light at night impairs inhibitory control in a wild songbird, Science of the Total Environment.
From Fireflies, Rise Up:
- Smart lighting to minimise light pollution and protect biodiversity
- Low estrogen may worsen the circadian effects of light pollution, Amy McDermott, PNAS
- Dim artificial light at night alters gene expression rhythms and growth in a key seagrass species (Posidonia oceanica), Nature
- Light pollution is taking the sparkle out of glow-worm mating, TheConversation
- Light pollution confuses a color-changing coastal woodlouse, new research shows,